Was the Hard Winter on Your Septic System Hard on You?

This past winter has been hard on many septics with freeze and flood problems. With all the snow, finding manhole covers and observation pipes that were above ground was a challenge enough, while buried or flush with the ground pipes and manholes were all but impossible to find. When it comes to fixing issues with your septic system, finding access to your septic is the first step.

Manhole covers and observation pipes are installed for maintenance and troubleshooting problems. If access points can’t be located, a septic system can’t be fixed or assessed. When a backup has occurred taking the time to look for or thaw out manhole covers takes too much time. If yours are not readily accessible, this spring and summer is the time to make all access points accessible and do the maintenance appropriate for your septic system. 

Making these access points accessible may come in the form of adding risers to the septic tank manhole or extending pipes to be above grade. Doing this in the summer can save you from lots of grief come winter. 

Written by: John Schmitt

John Schmitt has 42 years of septic installation experience. John is a licensed Wisconsin master plumber (MPRS223760), a Wisconsin licensed sewer designer (1927), a certified WOWRA septic system evaluator (2008035), and a licensed Wisconsin septic system maintainer (MPRSW 223760).